OttoBots Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy will help you better understand how OttoBots Labs collects, uses, and shares data in connection with your use of our websites, products, and services.

  • When you use any bots developed by us, the bot securely stores your Discord or Telegram account's publicly accessible information. This information includes your name, username and user ID, and it is used for our internal metrics and to provide you with our products and services. Other than that, no other data is being collected and stored.

  • When you add our bot into your Discord server or Telegram group, the bot stores basic data about your server or group. Such information includes its ID, link, and member count, and it is solely used for our internal metrics. If you kicked or removed the bot, this data will be scheduled for deletion (happens hourly).

  • We do not use any technologies to track any personally identifiable or non-identifiable data, such as device information, browser, operating system, geographic location, etc.

If you have any question or suggestion regarding this Privacy Policy, you can contact us by email at privacy [at]