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ERC20 Smart Contract Simulation & Analysis

Otto Simulator bot is a Telegram bot that performs off-chain CA trade simulations and live analytics for ERC20 tokens.

Otto Simulator Features

Enhances your sniping and trading experience with crucial ERC20 token simulation and analytics, created by snipers, for snipers.

Plug & Play

To use the Simulator bot, simply send a CA or invite the bot to your group chat. Once a address is detected, it will invoke the bot.

Supports Multi-Chain

The Simulator bot supports tokens from both Ethereum Mainnet and Binance Smart Chain. It will detect the chain automatically.

Status Auto Detection

Invokes simulation for prelaunch, and analytics for post-launch token. This allows you to have an all-in-one bot for your group.

Bytecode Checksum Tracker

Unique formula to identify token differences. It also show stats including launched, and rugged tokens based on the checksum.

Sniper Information

Get sniping information such as the token max TX/wallet, decoded method IDs, taxes from block 0 to 10, and other useful details.

Deployment Channels

Integrated ERC20 token deployment channel for both ETH and BSC. It will show the basic token and deployer details.